Syntes MDM is a cloud Master Data Management platform to manage all your commerce information and integrate all your sales channels

For several years in a row, e-commerce has grown faster than offline retail in many sectors of the economy. Every year the share of Internet sales in the global market is becoming more and more significant.

Global Sales Move Online

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Global Trends

The Importance of Data is Rising

Business needs information for promotion, analysis, and decision making. At the same time, the requirements for storage, structuring, and processing data elevate, and formats and technologies are constantly changing.

Artificial Intelligence

For data processing and decision-making AI has become a new marketing trend that will provide your company a competitive advantage

Robotic Data Processing

Omnichannel has reached a stage where manual control is no longer possible. For the effective use of all digital channels, you will need a solid and computer-assisted control center.

A Wide Array of Data Types and Formats

Modern e-commerce requires and generates various data types and formats, including product descriptions, photos, videos, prices, discounts, reviews, competitors, clicks, conversions, customers, orders, inventory, payments, etc.

E-commerce Problems

Syntes MDM solves these problems with innovations and modern technology

Built-in and custom applications for the management of product information, orders, payments, prices, and stocks. Plug-in of only relevant modules provides flexible and customized structure.
Data feeds and API integrations for advertising platforms, social media marketing, online brand stores, marketplaces stores, support, delivery, warehouses, suppliers, and sellers.
Cloud architecture. You don’t need to keep up servers, make updates and manage hardware devices. We are doing all this for you.
Low-code technology. Setup additional data models and data apps without writing a code.

Everything you need for secure and convenient work of your team: enterprise-quality user access permissions, web browser interface and mobile apps (iOS and Android).

Support and integration of multiple channels and data types. We can set up data transfer with almost any external site or application. Share data in the format that is convenient for you.

Syntes MDM Reduces Operating Costs

In 2021, wages in the IT sector grew by 23.3%. The trend will continue in 2022

When using PIM, the time for processing 1 SKU is reduced from 25 to 4 minutes

88% of Excel tables contain errors, and most of them are caused by human error

Syntes MDM Increases Income

Branded online store, stores at marketplaces, mobile apps, social networks, physical POSes, etc.

Use the power of customized integrations, automated scenarios, and the united data center

Product information complies with your brand book not only in D2C channels but also in your distributors’ and sellers’ materials

More About Syntes