Solutions for brands and manufacturers

Syntes MDM is decreasing time-to-market and operation costs, creating a unique customer experience, and helping you to achieve full control and automation of your sales.

About solution

Modern brands and manufacturers understand the value of direct communication with the consumer and strive to organize and expand D2C sales channels. You can do it the old-fashioned way, manually. But the truth is that this method no longer meets the requirements of the market. The volume and variety of incoming information, the increasing omnichannel, and the exactingness of buyers require new tools for managing D2C channels.

These modern management tools are Master Data Management (MDM) and Product Information Management (PIM) software solutions. They empower existing marketing, sales, and advertising channels, keep all product information accurate and up-to-date, and give businesses full control over their sales.

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Centralized information management solutions not only store multimedia content, technical specifications, implementation, and support information but also help companies comply with diverse and ever-changing government regulations and requirements.

Reports in tabular and graphical form and integration with BI systems such as Google Data Studio or Microsoft Power BI allow you to make more accurate and effective decisions not only at the departments level but also in top management.

New Opportunities for Brands

Financial performance improvement

Time-to-market decreases. New products enter the market 80% faster and appear in the online store and at marketplaces without delay giving you a competitive advantage.

Automation is replacing manual operations, reducing the total number of working hours and the number of errors caused by the human factor. This allows you to reduce operating costs as well.

You reach more sales channels and extend brand presence in all significant D2C and offline channels. Using the PIM application will increase conversion to purchase and reduce the number of returns. Your profit grows.

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Creating unique customer experience

The building of a unique consumer experience begins at the stage of choosing goods. Syntes solutions organize your product data and help deliver accurate information to customers around the world, increasing purchase conversions. Management of information about orders, payments, and delivery is completely based on the Syntes MDM platform.

All communication channels are also combined here, which allows you to maintain a dialogue with customers, convey brand values, and maintain reliable and personalized relationships with each customer. All this will ensure the long-term success of your brand.

Fully manageability of your data

Product information is one of the key business assets. This requires manufacturers to manage data faster and more efficiently, improve product media content, and automatically securely deliver data in a format and language specific to each channel and partner.

Syntes MDM will become the main product data center for your brand. It provides a unified approach to information management and simplifies its distribution among partners and distributors. Uploading feeds for advertising systems will allow you to use all the advantages of artificial intelligence in product promotion.


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